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Tuan kehormatan pemburu Jack Write
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Content Introduction: This is a strong female protagonist + strong male protagonist + satisfying story. Everyone knows that the great Zhaiguo country has produced a princess who holds half of the country's power. But who dares to marry her? Rumor has it that the princess personally led three thousand iron riders to defeat the usurper and seize the throne for her younger brother. However, due to the brutality of the battle, she became an inauspicious person. Rumor also has it that the princess's appearance is terrifying, standing at seven feet tall, with a sturdy physique and a wild disposition. She is seen as a vicious and fierce individual. Furthermore, it is said that all three previous husbands of the princess met an untimely end, symbolizing the doom of the husbands. Who would dare marry such a ferocious and domineering princess? When Chu Lingzhao, who had been in seclusion for three years, heard these rumors, he became furious! Chu Yuxuan, how dare you spread rumors to tarnish my reputation! Thus, the princess embarks on a journey to cleanse her name by playing the rogue. What will happen to those who provoke this wicked and powerful princess? She shall trample upon their insignificant lands! What about those who mock her fierceness? She'll torment them within her residence a thousand times over! And those who belittle her ability to hold onto a husband? She'll drag them into her bridal chamber! Eventually, someone could no longer tolerate it—the Emperor removed his dragon robes, donned his wedding attire, abandoned his throne, and climbed onto her bed... Chu Lingzhao, don't think you can abandon your childhood sweetheart just because you crossed over! In summary, this is a story about a rogue and ruthless princess who transmigrates into a country's princess and encounters her childhood sweetheart, teasing handsome men along the way. This story is absolutely original, please do not plagiarize! If you like it, don't forget to bookmark and support. Thank you! Lemon's completed novels of the same genre: The Tyrannical Son, The Arrogant Empress's Seductive Husband.

Content Introduction: This is a strong female protagonist + strong male protagonist + satisfying story. Everyone knows that the great Zhaiguo country has produced a princess who holds half of the country's power. But who dares to marry her? Rumor has it that the princess personally led three thousand iron riders to defeat the usurper and seize the throne for her younger brother. However, due to the brutality of the battle, she became an inauspicious person. Rumor also has it that the princess's appearance is terrifying, standing at seven feet tall, with a sturdy physique and a wild disposition. She is seen as a vicious and fierce individual. Furthermore, it is said that all three previous husbands of the princess met an untimely end, symbolizing the doom of the husbands. Who would dare marry such a ferocious and domineering princess? When Chu Lingzhao, who had been in seclusion for three years, heard these rumors, he became furious! Chu Yuxuan, how dare you spread rumors to tarnish my reputation! Thus, the princess embarks on a journey to cleanse her name by playing the rogue. What will happen to those who provoke this wicked and powerful princess? She shall trample upon their insignificant lands! What about those who mock her fierceness? She'll torment them within her residence a thousand times over! And those who belittle her ability to hold onto a husband? She'll drag them into her bridal chamber! Eventually, someone could no longer tolerate it—the Emperor removed his dragon robes, donned his wedding attire, abandoned his throne, and climbed onto her bed... Chu Lingzhao, don't think you can abandon your childhood sweetheart just because you crossed over! In summary, this is a story about a rogue and ruthless princess who transmigrates into a country's princess and encounters her childhood sweetheart, teasing handsome men along the way. This story is absolutely original, please do not plagiarize! If you like it, don't forget to bookmark and support. Thank you! Lemon's completed novels of the same genre: The Tyrannical Son, The Arrogant Empress's Seductive Husband.
Bab Terkini :   Volume 1, 010: Wooing the Princess's Heart Update : 2023-07-06 03:16

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