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My world revolves around you. Tom Write
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Time leaves light footsteps, stirring up memories of our past love. We loved each other fiercely, disregarding everything else. What caused us to misunderstand each other and hurt one another? "Can I be her bridesmaid?""Why?""Because then I can enter the sacred halls of marriage with you!" Yan Ningyue once said that the luckiest and unluckiest thing in her life was meeting Shen Junhan. Yan Ningyue was an orphan, pure-hearted and gentle, only desiring a simple life. But fate had a different plan for her and introduced a man named Shen Junhan into her life. Her life was no longer peaceful, as they started to grow fond of each other. However, due to an accident, their love quietly shattered, like a delicate thread binding them tightly, unable to struggle free, becoming more entangled with each passing day... Shen Junhan: "My world is filled with you! It was in the past, and it will be in the future! I only ask for a chance! A chance to redeem myself!" [Reader urging for updates:] Welcome to join~ Sina Weibo [Yang Gege Ya] Welcome to follow~ Welcome to interact~

Time leaves light footsteps, stirring up memories of our past love. We loved each other fiercely, disregarding everything else. What caused us to misunderstand each other and hurt one another?

"Can I be her bridesmaid?""Why?""Because then I can enter the sacred halls of marriage with you!"

Yan Ningyue once said that the luckiest and unluckiest thing in her life was meeting Shen Junhan. Yan Ningyue was an orphan, pure-hearted and gentle, only desiring a simple life. But fate had a different plan for her and introduced a man named Shen Junhan into her life.

Her life was no longer peaceful, as they started to grow fond of each other. However, due to an accident, their love quietly shattered, like a delicate thread binding them tightly, unable to struggle free, becoming more entangled with each passing day...

Shen Junhan: "My world is filled with you! It was in the past, and it will be in the future! I only ask for a chance! A chance to redeem myself!"

[Reader urging for updates:] Welcome to join~ Sina Weibo [Yang Gege Ya] Welcome to follow~ Welcome to interact~
Bab Terkini :   Chapter Ten Spring Outing (2) Update : 2023-07-06 01:01

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