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Dressed for You Marry Write
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After eight years of being in a relationship, her boyfriend betrays her with a rich and beautiful woman. Confronting the cheating scene, Conny shouts out in anger, "I will marry someone beautiful who will make you regret losing me in every way!" Enter the cold and aloof Dr. Xiang, who presents Conny with a contract and a marriage certificate. With his sharp tongue, cleanliness fetish, and childish behavior, Conny hates him but can't resist his charming allure. Despite the contract's final rule that love is forbidden, Conny finds herself drawn into a deeper connection. She tries to escape, but Dr. Xiang grabs her, saying, "Although I break the contract as party B, party A holds the power to interpret and demands an infinite renewal. Any objections, party B?" Tears welling in her eyes, Conny demands, "I, party B, shall possess the lifelong ownership of Xiang Wei. Infringement will be prosecuted!"

After eight years of being in a relationship, her boyfriend betrays her with a rich and beautiful woman. Confronting the cheating scene, Conny shouts out in anger, "I will marry someone beautiful who will make you regret losing me in every way!" Enter the cold and aloof Dr. Xiang, who presents Conny with a contract and a marriage certificate. With his sharp tongue, cleanliness fetish, and childish behavior, Conny hates him but can't resist his charming allure. Despite the contract's final rule that love is forbidden, Conny finds herself drawn into a deeper connection. She tries to escape, but Dr. Xiang grabs her, saying, "Although I break the contract as party B, party A holds the power to interpret and demands an infinite renewal. Any objections, party B?" Tears welling in her eyes, Conny demands, "I, party B, shall possess the lifelong ownership of Xiang Wei. Infringement will be prosecuted!"
Bab Terkini :   Chapter 10: Show Your Determination! Update : 2023-07-06 04:34

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