fantasy fiction reddit

Adakah anda peminat fiksyen fantasi? Mencari rekomendasi dan perbincangan terbaik? Jangan bimbang lagi! Dalam artikel ini, kita akan meneroka dunia fiksyen fantasi yang memukau, menyediakan anda dengan pelbagai rekomendasi, penulis popular, dan komuniti online terbaik, termasuk Reddit.

Fiksyen fantasi selalu menjadi genre yang dikasihi, mengangkut pembaca ke alam mistik yang dipenuhi dengan sihir, makhluk mitos, dan pengembaraan epik. Dengan beratus-ratus novel untuk dipilih, ia boleh menjadi membingungkan untuk mencari bacaan kegemaran seterusnya. Jangan risau, kita akan membimbing anda melintasi beberapa novel fantasi yang paling popular dan dikasihi sepanjang masa.

1. "The Lord of the Rings" oleh J.R.R. Tolkien: Trilogi yang dihormati ini membawa pembaca dalam perjalanan melalui Middle-earth, dunia yang kaya dengan watak yang berbeza, pertempuran yang intens, dan misi untuk memusnahkan Cincin yang sangat kuat. Naratif dan penciptaan dunia yang imaginatif oleh Tolkien membuat siri ini wajib dibaca bagi peminat fiksyen fantasi mana-mana.

2. Siri "Harry Potter" oleh J.K. Rowling: Siri ikonik ini mengikuti pengembaraan seorang penyihir muda bernama Harry Potter ketika dia membongkar misteri dunia sihir dan berjuang melawan kuasa gelap Lord Voldemort. Naratif hebat Rowling, watak yang mudah diingati, dan suasana yang mempesonakan menjadikan siri ini fenomena di seluruh dunia.

3. Siri "A Song of Ice and Fire" oleh George R.R. Martin: Jika anda menginginkan intrik politik, watak yang kompleks, dan dunia fantasi yang kasar, siri ini adalah untuk anda. Ditetapkan di Seven Kingdoms, Martin merangka berbagai jalan cerita yang mewujudkan kisah pertempuran kuasa, perikatan, dan ancaman kuno yang menghantui. Inspirasi untuk siri TV "Game of Thrones" yang terkenal, siri epik ini akan membuat anda terpegun.

4. "The Chronicles of Narnia" oleh C.S. Lewis: Merentasi dunia ajaib Narnia, dunia di mana haiwan boleh bercakap dan pengembaraan menanti di setiap selekoh. Siri Lewis menggabungkan fantasi, mitologi, dan alegori Kristian, menjadikannya bacaan yang abadi dan mempesonakan untuk semua peringkat umur.

Sekarang setelah kita telah meliputi beberapa novel fantasi penting, adalah masanya untuk terjun ke dalam komuniti fiksyen fantasi dalam talian. Apabila berurusan dengan peminat lain, mencari rekomendasi, atau membincangkan buku kegemaran anda, Reddit adalah tempat yang sesuai.

Reddit menyediakan pelbagai subreddit untuk fiksyen fantasi, di mana anda dapat menemui komuniti penggemar yang berdedikasi. Beberapa subreddit popular yang patut diusahakan termasuk:

1. r/Fantasy: Subreddit yang aktif ini adalah pusat untuk semua perkara berkaitan fiksyen fantasi. Dari rekomendasi buku hingga AMAs penulis (Tanya Saya Apa Saja), komuniti ini menyediakan semuanya. Terlibat dalam perbincangan, kongsi buku kegemaran anda, dan temui penulis baru.

2. r/Books: Walaupun tidak terhad kepada fiksyen fantasi, subreddit ini adalah platform yang sangat baik untuk berhubung dengan peminat buku lain. Pastikan untuk melihat ruang rekomendasi mingguan mereka di mana anda boleh meminta dan menerima cadangan buku fantasi yang peribadi.

3. r/WoT (The Wheel of Time): Untuk peminat siri fantasi epik Robert Jordan, subreddit ini adalah khazanah perbincangan, teori peminat, dan berita berkaitan "The Wheel of Time." Berinteraksi dengan peminat lain ketika anda menyelami kerumitan siri yang dikasihi ini.

Kesimpulannya, fiksyen fantasi menawarkan alam yang tiada batas, dan dengan bantuan rekomendasi ini dan komuniti dalam talian seperti Reddit, petualangan literari anda tidak akan membosankan. Lestarikan diri anda dalam cerita yang memukau, temui penulis baru, dan bina hubungan dengan peminat fiksyen fantasi lain. Selamat membaca!
Bandar Raja-dua Fiction
Bandar Raja-dua

Bandar ganda

503.47 Million words | 2021-10-16 11:48Update

novel fantasi fiksyen fantasi fiksyen fantasi baru

Bandar Misteri Fiction
Bandar Misteri

Bandar misteri ini begitu misterius. Misteri ini selalu menarik kita untuk berjalan melintasi hutan kata-kata dan terus maju. Selalu ada sesuatu yang memikat kita dalam kekacauan ini, membuat kita tidak bisa berhenti mencari dengan tatapan. Udara ini membuat kita sedikit pusing, merasa kita telah meninggalkan tanah dan berada di dunia yang asing. Dunia ini, dengan kabut bergelora, samar-samar dan berubah-ubah, ada dan tidak ada, pemandangan seakan terpantul di atas air, samar-samar terlintas. Kita seolah-olah merasakan napas kosmos di dalam kegelapan, tetapi kita tidak bisa mengerti napas ini berasal dari mana. Kota di langit, maya yang tak terduga. Kita mengangkat kepala dan memandang, dalam hati merasakan kecil tapi juga merasakan agung. Sampai akhirnya, kita juga tidak berhasil melihat dunia ini, misteri masih ada di sini..

555.55 Million words | 2022-07-26 07:58Update

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Tahap Takdir Fiction
Tahap Takdir

Sebuah pepatah mengatakan: Sepuluh orang raih kaya, tak sebanding dengan seorang yang beristirahat dengan nyaman. Teratai mengapung di bawah bulan, harimau yang ganas turun dari pegunungan, guci trismuta di alam semesta, kerang sakti melahirkan mutiara, ikan mas melompati gerbang naga... Tempat-tempat pemenuhan angin yang ajaib, kisah-kisah kuno yang misterius, cinta tak terbatas namun sulit dipatahkan. Orang tua buta di dekat batu penggiling, senyum lelaki berpakaian indah di malam dingin, sosok guru yang misterius di sekitar, pemuda berpakaian hijau yang rahasia, selalu 'kebetulan' bertemu satu sama lain... Terjadi kekacauan pernikahan, pengantin wanita yang 'berkekuatan' bertahan hidup, tanpa menyadari bahwa ia terjerat dalam perang yang jauh lebih berbahaya...

474.02 Million words | 2022-10-08 11:58Update

fantasi fiksyen remaja fiksyen fantasi fantasi dan fiksyen sains

Pencapaian tertinggi dalam seni beladiri dan pengobatan Fiction
Pencapaian tertinggi dalam seni beladiri dan pengobatan

Kejayaan tertinggi dalam dunia seni bela diri, penuh dengan keanggunan dan pemahaman tentang kehidupan, gaya seni bela diri memiliki gaya hidup yang terang. Pemuda Samudra Bintang halimun, memiliki kesadaran akan kesempatan keajaiban: Panci Sariemas-emas beroda naga! Menjadi seniman patung terbaik yang paling muda. Tapi dikecam oleh kakaknya, diambil rohnya, menjadi orang yang tidak berguna! Tapi tidak disangka ternyata bangun dengan tingkat kerohanian yang tertinggi! Sejak itu menjadi penguasa langit yang antusias, menjadi yang tertinggi dalam seni bela diri dan pengobatan

352.57 Million words | 2021-07-13 03:18Update

fiksyen bukan fiksyen fantasi fiksyen remaja fantasi dan fiksyen

Journey from Unreal to Real Creation Fiction
Journey from Unreal to Real Creation

From the physical reality to the imaginary world of the mind... From the illusory realm of the mind to the real world... From the primordial five elements... to the ancient world... Infinite gods and demons; gods and demons striving for enlightenment, shaping the destiny of all living beings and enlightening countless souls... Who comes first, who is the leader?... It all started as a purely technological world. Until a laboratory sought to open a dimensional wormhole... The art style of the real world suddenly shifted in another direction... This taught humanity a lesson... Curiosity and desire can be the staircase to human progress! But there is also a saying... No action, no death! Curiosity, sometimes more than just killing the cat, it can be a harbinger of doom that plunges all of humanity into despair... Group number: .

263.77 Million words | 2021-01-15 02:16Update

fantasy fiction reddit fiksyen fantasi fantasi dan fiksyen

Journey to the West: I, the Dragon Prince of the East Sea, Become a Disciple of Fiction
Journey to the West: I, the Dragon Prince of the East Sea, Become a Disciple of

Web novel filling the void, exclusive extra chapters, explosive updates, and free reading. Ao Qing, turning into a dragon, is the son of the ruler of the Four Seas, the Dragon King of the East Sea, with immense power and extraordinary abilities. He protects the people within a thousand miles, renowned and worshipped as the 'Divine Dragon Emperor.' However, his seemingly powerful father is terrified by an official document and becomes a mere rain god. It is then that Ao Qing realizes he has transmigrated into the world of Journey to the West, but it's not quite as he had imagined. With immortals and deities above, heavenly beings dividing territories, and countless creatures below, this world is full of endless power struggles. Monkey causing trouble in the Dragon Palace, Wei Zheng slaying dragons, the Eight Immortals crossing boundaries, and Zhang Yu boiling the sea... When thinking of the tragic fate of the future dragon clan, Ao Qing decides to follow the example of Sun Wukong and set off on a sea journey to find a master. Unexpectedly, he becomes the disciple of Bodhi, the ancestral master, thousands of years before Sun Wukong, and takes on the responsibility of imparting knowledge to future monkeys...

383.07 Million words | 2020-08-06 09:47Update

Fantasi atau fiksyen sains fantasi fiksyen remaja fiksyen fantasi baru

The Ember Gun Fiction
The Ember Gun

This is a damn Victorian fantasy novel. Add a spoonful of steam engines, let the damn technology tree move! Add a spoonful of love and hate, so everyone has a good reason to fight each other! Add a spoonful of madness, to lighten up this dark world, and finally add a spoonful of natural disasters as the main boss... Wait a minute! That's too much! ... The year in the Era of Invervic. The city I was in was hailed as the most advanced city in the West. The main reason? The world-changing steam technology, emerging technology, and the source of chaos. Undeniably, but that's the truth, people still flocked to live here. This city will always give you a glimmer of hope, whether it's a lie or an illusion, but it's within reach, making you willing to risk your life. A mesmerizing city. I am a dreamer. (Also known as 'Steampunk' and 'Old Century Evangelion'). Group number.

80.32 Million words | 2020-08-02 13:53Update

novel fantasi fiksyen bukan fiksyen fiksyen fantasi

Fantasy: The Beginning of a Heavenly Secret Tower Fiction
Fantasy: The Beginning of a Heavenly Secret Tower

Chu Tian is transported to a fantasy world where he gains control of a Heavenly Secret Tower capable of predicting all things in the world. In order to increase the prestige of the tower, Chu Tian tries every means possible to establish rankings, release secret realms, deduce martial arts techniques, and expose certain saints and sages.

525.15 Million words | 2023-02-07 03:33Update

novel fantasi fiksyen fantasi fantasi dan fiksyen

Full-Time Lord Fiction
Full-Time Lord

Humans are born commanders, possessing great wisdom. Orcs are born warriors, courageous and tough. Elves are born archers, with beautiful appearances. And dragons have powerful magic immunity. Dak Evans, from a noble family with a long history, has a noble bloodline but lacks the inherited talents, earning him the title of a waste. However, after his soul is accidentally merged with that of a modern university student named Zhao Feng, he is reborn. Now, his talents are awakened: magic immunity talent, archer talent, berserker talent, combined with modern scientific knowledge and wisdom...

324.83 Million words | 2020-10-10 22:25Update

novel fantasi fantasy fiction reddit fiksyen fantasi

The Nine Dragons Unification Technique Fiction
The Nine Dragons Unification Technique

Obtain the chaos treasure and cultivate the Nine Dragons Unification Technique. Slay sun, moon, stars, and rivers to exterminate ancient demons. With one move, the world trembles and gods and spirits across the myriad realms are astonished. Drunk, lying down, with the beauty of phoenix and crane, laughing with the beautiful women. Crossing the three thousand paths to save all living beings.

298.30 Million words | 2022-06-25 17:10Update

fiksyen bukan fiksyen Fantasi atau fiksyen sains fantasi dan fiksyen sains

The Brilliance of Netheril Fiction
The Brilliance of Netheril

A pseudo-DND power-fantasy novel, borrowing some elements from the setting. The protagonist is a pure mage, cold-blooded, cautious, and ruthless. There are no female leads, no pretending to be weak, no last-minute breakthroughs, only steady progress. There are no overwhelming enemies everywhere; the protagonist is always someone else's formidable foe. They are wholeheartedly striving towards the brilliance of Netheril. Join us in the group!

22.65 Million words | 2022-02-05 18:25Update

novel fantasi fiksyen bukan fiksyen fiksyen fantasi

At the beginning, I pulled out the sword ten thousand times Fiction
At the beginning, I pulled out the sword ten thousand times

Book Club Communication Group: Qin Feng crossed into the world of Da Cang and became a disciple of the Taihang Sword Sect. After offending the sect's saintess, Lin Wanyan, he was imprisoned in the Sword Tomb to reflect upon himself. Qin Feng's life seemed destined to be mediocre within the Sword Tomb, until he obtained the Sword Pulling Cultivation System...【Congratulations, host. Your weapon has upgraded to a Rust Spirit Sword.】【As the system's exclusive and bound weapon, the weapon's levels are divided into Rust Sword, Rust Spirit, Rust King, Rust Emperor, Rust Sect, Rust Venerable, Rust Saint, Rust Emperor, and the ultimate creation, Rust Godly Sword.】 Qin Feng desires to quietly grow stronger by pulling out the sword within the Sword Tomb, and then astonish everyone...

318.85 Million words | 2020-08-31 07:59Update

fiksyen bukan fiksyen fiksyen fantasi fantasi dan fiksyen sains

Morning Immortal Way Fiction
Morning Immortal Way

Thousands of immortals seek the way, and countless paths converge! Three hundred years ago, Chen Shaojun was taken to the immortal sect by his master. Due to his bloodline, he found it difficult to cultivate, but displayed extraordinary talent in refining tools, becoming a generation of artifact masters. He and his six senior brothers in the sect were known as the 'Seven Saints of the Northern Dipper'. A great upheaval occurred, and his master was murdered, leading to the downfall of the Northern Dipper. Chen Shaojun was exiled to the mortal realm and reincarnated as the son of a high-ranking official. Over time, he became nothing more than an ordinary mortal. However, this upheaval also opened the limitations on his potential. His master once said, 'If not for the limitations of your bloodline, your achievements would be unimaginable even for your master!' With his teachings spreading, even ghosts and gods listen to his words! Let us witness how the former artifact master rises step by step, embarking on the path to immortality, causing the heavens and all realms to tremble!

162.27 Million words | 2023-04-04 23:49Update

Fantasi atau fiksyen sains fiksyen fantasi baru fantasi dan fiksyen sains

Strange Tales of Rules: I Can Perfectly Simulate the Process of Strange Tales Fiction
Strange Tales of Rules: I Can Perfectly Simulate the Process of Strange Tales

In the realm of creation, the balance of yin and yang governs all things. When yin and yang are in harmony, a prosperous world thrives and all living beings flourish. However, if this balance is disrupted, catastrophe ensues, leading to the end of all things. Amidst the chaos and entities, a high school student dares to challenge the natural order and utter outrageous claims. Only those brave enough to defy the heavens are deserving of the title of a Spoon-Stirring God!

574.46 Million words | 2021-11-12 11:54Update

Fantasi atau fiksyen sains fiksyen fantasi baru fantasi dan fiksyen

I Became a Genius After Pulling Out the Sword 100,000 Times Fiction
I Became a Genius After Pulling Out the Sword 100,000 Times

Talentless? Worthless in cultivation? The unwanted mouse in the sect? No need to panic, just pull out the sword! "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task of pulling out the sword 100,000 times. Ten consecutive draws are now available!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a level 1 flying treasure: Flying Boat!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a level 2 defensive treasure: Gale Shield!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a level 10 cultivation method: Great Sword Sutra!" ... ... "Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a level 14 weapon treasure: Profound Heavy Ruler!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a level 29 talent: Supreme Sword Body!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a level 40 cultivation realm: Divine Wanderer!" Yes, after a wave of ten consecutive draws, Li Daoling quietly became a genius without anyone knowing! And what's more amazing is that it's just the beginning...

4.05 Million words | 2021-10-26 07:20Update

fiksyen bukan fiksyen Fantasi atau fiksyen sains fantasi fiksyen remaja

The Legend of Tang Sect: Shrek's Divine Teachers Fiction
The Legend of Tang Sect: Shrek's Divine Teachers

When the lonely divine kings arrive at Shrek Academy and start establishing their own schools of thought, we have the divine teachers of Shrek Academy. The divine kings will each showcase their abilities, only accepting monsters and not ordinary people.

501.87 Million words | 2023-03-03 11:43Update

fantasy fiction reddit fiksyen fantasi fiksyen fantasi baru

I Seized the Demon Emperor's Body Fiction
I Seized the Demon Emperor's Body

It is often heard of powerful beings meeting unexpected accidents, leaving behind a resilient wisp of divine soul. Then, they possess the body of a lowly and miserable young man, experiencing a rebirth and embarking on a journey of overturning the odds and making a comeback. Alternatively, they may travel through time and space, landing in the body of a hapless young man, their path to godhood guided by a golden finger. However, someone seems to have had an improper method of transference. Upon arrival, they unexpectedly possess the most esteemed expert in the world, the Demon Emperor, who holds the title of the Devil Sect's Sect Master. Surrounded by experts, I feel that I am on the verge of being exposed. What should I do? Waiting online. Urgent!

572.31 Million words | 2020-11-21 03:25Update

fiksyen bukan fiksyen fantasi fiksyen remaja fantasi dan fiksyen sains

The Devil Emperor of Infinite Upgrades Fiction
The Devil Emperor of Infinite Upgrades

【Classic Emperor Flow System】 Penniless Prince Qin Feng possesses a demon system, enhancing bloodline, martial arts, and the laws of heaven and earth with the power of demons! Even strengthening the 'big brother'... unleashing a contract with demonic pets, summoning deceased powerful spirits from all realms! With a single thought, Nüwa annihilates all life in the world, the Roaring Heaven Dog suppresses the eight-directional gods, and Zhuge Liang leads an army to conquer the immortal world... 'Ding, host! A goddess from the Ninth Heaven has been found. Should we kidnap and bring her to the mall?' 'Of course, let's get to work!' A devil emperor brandishing a divine weapon causes a beautiful goddess to tremble in fear!

54.78 Million words | 2023-02-08 22:10Update

fiksyen fantasi fiksyen fantasi baru fantasi dan fiksyen

Nine Heavenly Demon Lord Fiction
Nine Heavenly Demon Lord

White Night, gender: male, hobby: women, identity: pseudo Chinese. He is innately kind-hearted but slaughters all living beings. He hails from Earth but intimidates the heavens! In the competition of myriad realms, my lord rises and falls...

356.98 Million words | 2022-11-08 05:55Update

fiksyen bukan fiksyen Fantasi atau fiksyen sains fantasi fiksyen remaja

Supreme God, Devil Emperor is Trying to Extort Money Again Fiction
Supreme God, Devil Emperor is Trying to Extort Money Again

She was once the only god in the fantasy realm, the strongest existence who was betrayed and failed through schemes. When she opened her eyes again, she had become a useless legitimate daughter of the Yun family without any spiritual root. If she was summoned with her life, then she would seek revenge and kill those she hated. She would trample upon this despicable family that disgusted and despair her. Natural magical powers are hard to come by for a century? She controls the wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. Rare and precious high-level spiritual beasts and artifacts? She easily obtains divine beasts and godly artifacts. While everyone wonders how Yun Qingwan, a useless person, manages to become the number one expert on the Heaven Battle Ranking, she smiles enchantingly and says, 'What I possess is never just spiritual power.' But just when her eyes were focused on seeking the truth and revenge, who is this outrageous person who smiles and kills twice in one day?

420.55 Million words | 2021-04-09 07:56Update

fiksyen bukan fiksyen Fantasi atau fiksyen sains fiksyen fantasi baru